AASHTO = American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials |
ABINEE = Brazilian Electrical and Electronic Industry Association |
ABNT = Brazilian Association of Technical Standards |
AC = Alternating current |
ADSL = Asymmetric digital subscriber line |
AENOR = Spanish National Committee of the IEC |
AES = Audio Engineering Society |
AHAM = Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers |
AHG = Ad hoc group |
AIE = International Association of Electrical Contractors |
AIMD = Active implementable medical devices |
AIS = Air insulated substation |
ANCE = The Mexican standard writing, testing and certifying agency for the electrical sector. |
ANSI = American National Standards Institute |
ANWR = Arctic National Wildlife Refuge |
AOPDDR = Active opto-electronic protective device responsive to diffuse reflection. |
APEC = Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation |
ARI = Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute |
ASC = Accredited Standards Committee |
ASIC = (programmable) Application specific IC (semi-custom IC) |
ASQ = American Society for Quality |
ASTM = American Society for Testing and Materials |
AWG = American wire gauge |
AWS = American Welding Society |
BIAP = International Office for Audiophonology |
BIPM = International Bureau of Weights and Measures |
BoG = Board of Governors |
BR = Radiocommunication Bureau |
CANAME = Mexican National Chamber of Commerce |
CANENA = The Council for Harmonization of Electrotechnical Standards of the Nations of the Americas |
CASC = Conformity & Assessment Subcommittee |
CD = Committee Draft |
CDA = Copper Development Association |
CDV = Committee Draft for Vote |
CEC = Commission of the European Communities |
CECC = CENELEC Electronic Components Committee |
CEN = European Committee for Standardization |
CENELEC = The European body that sets electrical Standards. |
CEPT = European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations |
CIB = International Council for Building Research Studies and Documentation |
CIE = International Commission on Illumination |
CIGRE = International Conference on Large High Voltage Electric Systems |
CIRED = International Conference on Electricity Distribution |
CIRM = International Maritime Radio Association |
CLC = CENELEC = European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization |
COBEI = Committee of Brazilian Electricity Industry |
COPANT = Pan American Commission on Technical Standards |
CPSC = U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission |
CSA = Canadian Standards Association |
CTI = Comparative tracking index |
CTL = Committee of testing laboratories of the IEC system |
CWDM = Coarse wave division multiplexing |
C&S = Codes and Standards Committee |
DC = Direct current |
DICOM = Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine |
DTS = Draft of Technical Specification |
DWDM = Dense wavelength division multiplexing |
EBU = European Broadcasting Union |
ECMA = European Computer Manufacturers Association |
EDA = Electronic Design Automation |
EFET = European Federation of Energy Traders |
EFOMP = European Federation of Organizations for Medical Physics |
EHIMA = European Hearing Instrument Manufacturers Association |
EHV = Extra high voltage |
EIA = Electronic Industries Association |
EICTA = European Information and Communications Technology Industry Association |
ELSECOM = European Electrotechnical Standards Committee |
EMC = Electromagnetic compatibility |
EMI = Electromagnetic interference |
EPDM = Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer |
EPRI = Electric Power Research Institute |
ESD = Electrostatic discharge |
ETSI = European Telecommunications Standards Institute |
ETSO = European Transmission Systems Operators |
EURELECTRIC = The Union of the Electricity Industry |
FDIS =Final Draft International Standard |
FHWA = Federal Highway Administration |
FID = International Federation for Information and Documentation |
FIESP = Federation of Industries of the State of Sao Paulo |
FTAA = Free Trade Agreement of the Americas |
GIS = Gas insulated substation |
HIA = Hearing Industries Association |
HIMA = Health Industry Manufacturers Association |
HPS = Health Physics Society |
HTML = Hypertext markup language |
HV = High voltage |
IAAC = Inter-American Accreditation Council |
IAEA = International Atomic Energy Agency/Authority |
IAEI = International Association of Electrical Inspectors |
IARU = International Amateur Radio Union |
ICAO = International Civil Aviation Organization |
ICNIRP = International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection |
ICRP = International Commission on Radiological Protection |
ICRU = International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements |
IEC = International Electrotechnical Commission |
IEEE = Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers |
IEEE-SPDC = Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers-Surge Protective Devices Committee |
IEEJ = The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan |
IIW = International Institute of Welding |
IK codes = Degrees of protection provided by enclosures for electrical equipment against external mechanical impacts. |
ILO = International Labour Office |
INMETRO = The National System of Metrology, Standardization, and Industrial Quality |
IOCU = International Organization of Consumers Unions |
IPC = Institute for Interconnecting and Packaging of Electronic Circuits |
IRPA = International Radiation Protection Association |
IRSC = International and Regional Standardization Committee |
ISO = International Organization for Standardization |
ISO/CASCO = Committee on Conformity Assessment |
ISSA = International Social Security Association |
ITU = International Telecommunication Union |
ITU-R = International Telecommunication Union - Radiocommunications |
ITU-T = International Telecommunication Union - Telecommunication |
IUPAP = International Union of Pure and Applied Physics |
JEDEC =Joint Electronic Device Engineering Council |
JEITA = Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association ">JEITA = Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association |
JPCA = Japanese Printed Circuit boards Association |
JTF = Joint Task Force |
JWES = Japan Welding Engineering Society |
KCMIL = KCMIL wire size is the equivalent cross-sectional area in thousands of circular mills. A circular mill is the are of a circle with a diameter of one thousandth (0.001) of an inch. |
LAG = Advisory Group on Legal Aspects (TC 56) |
LED = Light emitting diodes |
MCM = Multi-chip module |
MDMA = Medical Device Manufacturers Association |
MERCOSUR = The Southern Common Market |
MQSA = Mammography Quality Standards Act |
MSDS = Material Safety Data Sheet |
NACFAM = National Coalition for Advanced Manufacturing |
NAESB = North American Energy Standards Board |
NCRP = National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements |
NECA = Nippon Electrical Control Association |
NEMA = National Electrical Manufacturers Association |
NERC = North American Electric Reliability Council |
NOM = Norma Official Mexicana |
NTCIP = National Transportation Communications for ITS Protocol |
OEM = Original equipment manufacturer |
OIDDI = Open Interoperable Domain Dictionary Initiative |
OIML = International Organization for Legal Metrology |
ORGALIME = Liaison group of the European mechanical, electrical, electronic and metalworking industries |
PASC = Pacific Area Standards Congress |
PCB = Polychlorinated biphenyls; or Printed circuit board |
PELV = Protective extra low voltage |
PLIB = Parts Libraries |
QSAR = Quality System Assessment Recognition |
RCD = Residual current device |
RF = Radio frequency |
RIV = Radio interference voltage |
ROHS = Restriction on Hazardous Substances |
SAB = Science Advisory Board |
SAG = Strategic Advisory Group (TC 56) |
SCAPC = Standards and Conformity Assessment Policy Committee |
SELV = Safety extra-low voltage |
SF6 = Sulphur hexafluoride |
SGFS = Special Group on Functional Standardization |
Si2 = Silicon Integration Initiative |
SMPTE = Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers |
SPD = Surge Protective Device |
STP = Standards Technical Panel |
TAG = Technical Advisory Group |
TEM = Transverse electromagnetic (mode) |
TS = Technical Specification |
UCIEE = Uniao Certificadora da Industria Electro-Electronica |
UCPTE = Union for the Coordination of the Production and Transport of Electric Power |
UIC = International Union of Railways |
UIE = International Union for Electroheat |
UITP = International Union of Public Transports |
UL = Underwriters Laboratories Inc. |
USNC = U.S. National Committee |
VRLA = Valve regulated lead-acid (battery or cell) |
WDM = Wavelength division multiplexing |
WEEE = Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment |
WHO = World Health Organization |
WT = Wind turbine |