NEMA’s Lighting Systems Division sponsors the work of C137, the Lighting Systems Committee, which develops Standards and specifications for indoor and outdoor lighting systems installed in an application with consideration of human health and comfort, personal security, the physical environment, energy consumption and daylight integration. Such a system includes components (e.g., luminaires, sensors/controllers, and windows or skylights) and associated software designed to minimize energy use while maintaining lighting quality, and that may be interconnected to provide control, monitoring functions, and interface with related systems.
Historically, appliance Standards for lighting have been set for lighting system components such as lamps, caps/holders, control gear (ballasts) and luminaires. The NEMA Lighting Systems Division has been focused on maximizing energy savings by shifting the regulatory focus from appliance Standards to lighting systems Standards as incorporated into building energy code documents such as ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2010. The ultimate goal is to gain true energy savings from lighting while providing the quality of light needed for individual applications. If complete lighting systems are the new focus of the future, the challenge for the lighting and regulatory and Standards communities is to clearly define what is meant by a “systems approach” and to ensure that the approach is optimized for efficiency and ease of use, while ensuring that lighting quality and Standards for visibility are preserved. Such an approach must also be enforceable and nimble enough to allow newer technologies to be selected and installed.
While building codes, such as ASHRAE/IES 90.1-2010 are important, they do not address issues of compatibility, interchangeability, security of lighting systems, or measurement of energy performance of the lighting system. This ASC will address these issues via a consensus-based Standards development process which includes input from a variety of stakeholders (utilities, testing laboratories, government regulators and manufacturers). The committee will follow
ANSI-accredited procedures for the development of its Standards and liaise with other groups as appropriate.
Being a part of the Standards development process provides early access to information, provides an opportunity to influence technical content, as well as develop new markets for products, services and technologies. If you are not at the table, your competitors are likely setting the Standards.
If you are interested in joining C137, please complete the
membership application and send it to Karen Willis ( If you are currently a member of C137, please visit the
NEMA Standards portal page to access the committee documents, calendar and roster.
For more information about ANSI C137, please contact
Karen Willis