NEMA is the Secretariat for the U.S. National Committee (USNC) Technical Advisory Group (TAG) for International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Technical Committee 111 (TC 111), Environmental standardization for electrical and electronic products and systems.
The TC111 scope is to:
Prepare the necessary guidelines, basic and horizontal Standards, including technical reports, in the environmental area, in close cooperation with product committees of IEC, which remain autonomous in dealing with the environmental aspects relevant to their products;
Liaise with product committees in the elaboration of environmental requirements of product Standards to foster common technical approaches and solutions for similar problems and thus assure consistency in IEC Standards;
Liaise with ACEA and ISO/TC 207; and
Monitor closely the corresponding regional standardization activities worldwide to become a focal point for discussions concerning standardization.
NEMA has adopted thirteen TC111 standards from IEC. Eleven of these standards provide test methods to allow the electrotechnical industry to determine the levels of certain substances of concern in electrotechnical products on a consistent global basis. Another standard sets requirements and gives guidance on how an organization can integrate environmentally conscious design (ECD) into their design and development. It is not a product standard and so does not describe requirements that apply to individual products, or a series of products. The last standard establishes requirements for reporting of material declaration data, standardizing protocols, and facilitating the transfer and processing of data. Material declarations are used by the electrotechnical industry to track and declare specific product information used for compliance and/or ECD considerations. Links to these standards can be found below.
ANSI/NEMA 62321-1:2013 Determination of certain substances in electrotechnical products - Part 1: Introduction and overview
ANSI/NEMA 62321-2:2013 Determination of certain substances in electrotechnical products - Part 2: Disassembly, disjunction and mechanical sample preparation
ANSI/NEMA 62321-3-1:2013 Determination of certain substances in electrotechnical products - Part 3-1: Screening - Lead, mercury, cadmium, total chromium and total bromine using X-ray fluorescence spectrometry
ANSI/NEMA 62321-3-2:2020 Determination of certain substances in electrotechnical products - Part 3-2: Screening - Fluorine, bromine and chlorine in polymer and electronics by combustion-ion chromatography (C-IC)
ANSI/NEMA 62321-4:2013 Determination of certain substances in electrotechnical products - Part 4: Mercury in polymers, metals and electronics by CV-AAS, CV-AFS, ICP-OES and ICP-MS
ANSI/NEMA 62321-5:2013 Determination of certain substances in electrotechnical products - Part 5: Cadmium, lead and chromium in polymers and electronics and cadmium and lead in metals by AAS, AFS, ICP-OES and ICP-MS
ANSI/NEMA 62321-6:2015 Determination of certain substances in electrotechnical products - Part 6: Polybrominated biphenyls and polybrominated diphenyl ethers in polymers by gas chromatograhy -mass spectometry (GC-MS)
ANSI/NEMA 62321-7-1:2015 Determination of certain substances in electrotechnical products - Part 7-1: Hexavalent chromium - Presence of hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) in colourless and coloured corrosion-protected coatings on metals by the colorimetric method
ANSI/NEMA 62321-7-2:2017 Determination of certain substances in electrotechnical products - Part 7-2: Hexavalent chromium - Determination of hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) in polymers and electronics by the colorimetric method
ANSI/NEMA 62321-8:2017 Determination of certain substances in electrotechnical products - Part 8: Phthalates in polymers by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), gas chromatography-mass spectrometry using a pyrolyzer/thermal desorption accessory (Py-TD-GC-MS)
ANSI/NEMA 62321-10:2020 Determination of certain substances in electrotechnical products - Part 10: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in polymers and electronics by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS)
ANSI/NEMA 62430:2019 Environmentally conscious design (ECD) - Principles, requirements and guidance
ANSI/NEMA 62474:2018 Material declaration for products of and for the electrotechnical industry
The TC111 TAG membership is open to all U.S. parties working in environmental standardization, but requires application through the TAG Secretary and Technical Advisor, approval by the TAG voting membership, and payment of an annual TAG participation fee assessed by the USNC, which must be paid before membership is activated.
Please contact Paul Crampton to join the TAG or for questions.