by Neil Chatterjee, FERC Chairman
January/February 2020
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
(FERC) has a wide-ranging portfolio of
regulatory and oversight responsibilities when
it comes to wholesale electricity and natural gas
markets. Just as each of us requires 20/20 vision to
be productive, FERC needs sharp vision going into
2020 because our work is profoundly important to
our nation.
Why? Energy is what makes us strong. In fact, in
2017, total end-use energy expenditures in the U.S.
were $1.14 trillion, or 5.8 percent of gross domestic
product (GDP). In contrast, defense spending by
the U.S. totaled $605 billion, or 3.1 percent of GDP
The United States gained that strength in part
through our ingenuity when it comes to energy
production. For instance, thanks to the shale
revolution, U.S. natural gas production has reached
record levels. And, our exports of natural gas in
the form of liquefied natural gas, or LNG, are
poised to make the United States a leader in trade
with our international partners while also offering
environmental benefits on a global scale. FERC has
played a critical role in contributing to this success
story by reviewing and approving 11 LNG export
facilities over the past 10 months.
But our work doesn’t stop there. In the electricity
space, FERC is taking several actions to modernize
our nation’s electric grid and further unleash the
power of competition in markets. Our country
is undergoing a rapid transformation in how we
generate electricity, resulting in part from the
rise of renewables and natural gas. We have also
seen a surge in innovative technologies that will
significantly improve the reliability, affordability,
and security of generation resources, energy
markets, and infrastructure. Amid these changes,
FERC is working hard to make sure our policies
create the right regulatory environment to
benefit consumers.
One example of this is the Commission’s efforts
to break down barriers that could impede
implementation of electric storage resources,
like grid-scale batteries. Through our Order
No. 841, FERC is requiring organized wholesale
power markets around the country to establish
rules that facilitate the participation of these
storage resources. Our efforts to unleash the power of flexible storage technology will allow for
greater competition in wholesale markets, which
ultimately offers great benefits to consumers.
Competition—long one of the guiding principles
at FERC—continues to prove its importance to
the markets we oversee. That’s why we are also
working to modernize our decades-old regulations
under the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act
of 1978, to introduce competitive pricing and
transform our policies to meet today’s realities.
Our focus on competition helps create a regulatory
landscape that promotes smart transmission
investments. This allows new generation resources
to connect with consumers and ensures our
nation’s transmission infrastructure continues
to be reliable. Our goal is to establish incentives
and policies that reflect today’s investment
environment while providing the economic and
regulatory certainty needed to build the grid of the
future. At the same time, we continue to ensure
that wholesale electricity and natural gas markets
operate in an open and fair manner by providing
just and reasonable rates for consumers.
Part of overseeing these markets means ensuring
the grid is reliable and resilient. Our national
economy depends on having a grid that meets the
conflicting consumer demands for both greater
interconnectedness and heightened security. The
important task of ensuring the system is reliable
and resilient depends on continued partnerships
in the electric industry. The Commission works
collaboratively with those in the industry to
establish mandatory cybersecurity Standards. Our
transmission system is the envy of the world, and it
is our duty to ensure that, through enforcement of
these Standards, consumers will continue to enjoy
safe, reliable electricity for years to come.
Going into this new year, the Commission
must continue honing our sharp, 20/20 focus
to address the critical issues facing our nation’s
energy system. I am confident FERC is up to the
challenge, and we stand ready to help our nation
reach its full energy potential.