High Performance Wire & Cable
High performance wires and cables, which are
produced to domestic and international Standards and specifications, are
used primarily with devices which produce, transmit, receive, detect,
distribute, control, record, or modify electrical signals and power.
consist of insulated signal and communications wire and cable,
including voice and data types used for internal premises wiring, and
such products as airframe, appliance wiring material, automotive, cable
TV, drop and trunk lines, coaxial cable, flat cable, high performance
conductors, hookup wire, microphone cable, multiconductor electronic
cable, motor lead wire, power-limited circuit cable, premise wiring,
shipboard wire and cable, thermocouple wire, transit wire and cable, and
uninsulated electrical conductors.
NEMA Members develop and
maintain voluntary NEMA standards that evolved from military specs or
were developed at military request. They are now widely used in marine
and aerospace industries for both commercial and military applications.