This piece was originally published in the July/August 2019 issue of electroindustry.
Ann Brandstadter Manager, Standards Publications and Marketing, NEMA
NEMA SPD 1.1-2019 Part 1—Surge Protective Device Specification Guide for Low Voltage Power Distribution Systems is the first in a new series intended to guide the evaluation, specification, and use of surge protective devices (SPD) deployed in low-voltage power distribution system applications. It includes SPD ratings, a specification checklist, and information on surge current ratings, modes of protection, and general grounding practices.
NEMA SPD 1.1-2019 is available for $64 in hard copy and electronic download.
New Standards and white papers:
NEMA UV P2-2018 Application Environments Exposure to Ultraviolet Light is available as an electronic download at no cost.
ANSI/NEMA SC 1-2019 American National Standard for Supplier Credentialing in Healthcare is available for $84 in hard copy and electronic download.
NEMA C29.14a-2019 Composite Insulators Guy (Strain) Insulator Type is available for $50 in hard copy and as an electronic download at no cost.
NEMA UTN P1-2019 Electric Utility Communications Networks is available as an electronic download at no cost. ei