National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) Industry Director Steve Griffith, NidecMotor Senior Product Manager of IIoT Pranesh Rao, and Signify Cybersecurity Technical Policy Manager Harsha Banavara presented at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Risk Management Conference on November 8.
Building on previous NIST workshops, the conference shared and explored best practices and received and discussed stakeholder input on key cybersecurity and privacy risk management topics – Supply Chain Risk Management as one of them.
"Our Members manufacture a diverse set of electrical and medical imaging products and develop and follow industry best practices to secure their supply chains, operations, and products minimizing cybersecurity threats along the way,” said NEMA’s Steve Griffith. “As the manufacturers of critical infrastructure equipment utilized around the world, NEMA companies are a key line of defense against both physical and cyber-attacks.”
The panelists highlighted the contents and provide specific case studies of NEMA’s white paper Supply Chain Best Practices and its new companion document Cyber Hygiene Best Practices which details industry guidelines to raise the level of cybersecurity sophistication in manufacturing facilities and engineering processes.
As devices become more and more connected, organizations will need to implement cyber and physical security applications to maintain the reliability and efficiency of the systems they produce. NEMA Members offer practical and effective ways of achieving security and provide a platform for future security measures as threats continue to evolve.