
New Company Registration


Company Information

Company NameElectron Inc
Headquarters Address35 W, 11th Street
CityNew York
Zip/Postal Code10011
CountryUnited States of America
Main Phone(111)-432-5689
Federal ID Number (EIN, BN, or RFC)589632471
The applying company isA wholly owned subsidiary of
Related companyCDS Corporate Limited

Names and Locations of Plants:

Please list at least one manufacturing plant or Design/Engineer Facility in North America where you produce products that qualify your company for membership as described.

UntitledCDS Manufacturing Operations: Rochester, NY

Main Point of Contact

The Main POC serves as the principal representative from the member company and “owner” of the relationship with NEMA. This person will be NEMA’s primary point of contact for all matters related to the NEMA membership and will receive member communications from the association.

MPOC NameJonathan Jones
MPOC TitleSenior Engineer
MPOC EmailJonathanjones@electroninc.com
MPOC Telephone(111)-456-8526

Executive Contact

The Executive Contact should be the member company’s CEO or President. They will receive executive-level communications from the NEMA president and the president’s office.

Exec NameJohn Anderson
Exec TitleCEO
Exec EmailJohnanderson@electroninc.com
ExecAsst NameAlex Madison
ExecAsst TitleSecretary
ExecAsst EmailAlexmadison@electroninc.com
ExecAsst Phone(111)-456-8523

Section Voting Representative

The Section Voting Representative participates in NEMA’s technical work at the section level. They serve as the representative of the Member Company when section activities require a vote.

SVR NameSteve Martin
SVR TitleSenior Engineer
SVR EmailStevemartin@electroninc.com
SVR Telephone(111)-456-8965

Section Alternate Representative

The Section Alternate Representative participates in NEMA’s technical work at the section level. They may cast a vote for section activities in place of the Section Voting Representative if needed.

SAR NameEvangeline Smith
SAR TitleSenior Engineer
SAR EmailEvangelinesmith@electroninc.com
SAR Telephone(111)-456-8965

Financial Contact

NEMA will reach out to the Financial Contact to request annual sales data and to submit any other finance-related inquiries.

FC NameWilliam Fernandez
FC TitleChief Accountant
FC EmailWilliamfernandez@electroninc.com
FC Phone(111)-456-7685

Billing Contact

The Billing Contact will receive all invoices from NEMA. This can be an Accounts Payable if needed, but the contact must include a monitored email address and phone number for proper processing.

BC NameAccounts Payable
BC TitleAccounts Payable
BC EmailAPBilling@electroninc.com
BC Telephone(111)-456-7913

Signature of Corporate Officer authorizing this application

I have read the Bylaws and I certify that this company meets the requirements for membership with NEMA. If this application is accepted and approved, then we agree to abide by the Certificate of Incorporation and Bylaws of NEMA as they now exist and as they may be amended.

Type, "I Agree" to digitally signI Agree
NameJonathan Jones
TitleSenior Engineer