COVID-19 Response: U.S. Electroindustry Essential to American Health and Safety
NEMA, American Lighting Association, and UL Offer Ultraviolet Light Safety Guidance
NEMA partnered with the American Lighting Association and UL to release a position paper on the safe use of ultraviolet light for sanitizing and germicidal capabilities in the face of COVID-19. The position paper has two goals: to bring attention
to ultraviolet light device safety risks and to help manufacturers, retailers, and consumers understand which devices are built to be safe and under what conditions they can be operated safely.
NEMA Endorses Global Lighting Association Position Statement on Germicidal UV-C Irradiation
There is an urgent need for comprehensive technical safety standards for UV-C disinfecting devices. Standards are expected to be developed but will take months before they are published. Pending development and publication of such standards, NEMA
Lighting Systems Division Members participated with the Global Lighting Association (GLA) to develop this document as an intermediate measure to draw attention to safety issues associated with UV-C products and to provide guidance on their safe
Global Lighting Association
Urges Continuing
Access to Lighting
The Global Lighting Association (GLA) urges authorities to ensure sustained access to lighting products during these challenging times by categorizing lighting as an essential product and ensuring lighting products can continue to be manufactured, supplied, and sold. READ MORE.
Lighting is Essential Manufacturing
The NEMA Lighting Division released a statement to support the determination that lighting and lighting system manufacturers are essential businesses and request that all government agencies explaining the details of "stay-at-home" policies explicitly include all lighting and lighting systems device manufacturers to avoid delays in meeting the public's need for these essential goods supporting critical infrastructure as well as the public's interest in a safe environment. READ MORE.