NEMA international activities are designed to promote market access for Members’ products. These activities include Standards, trade, and conformity assessment.
International activities in Standards include participation in creating IEC and ISO Standards, CANENA, offices in China, Mexico, and work in Asia.
International trade activities in the government arena, such as research and NEMA positions on issues such as U.S. free trade agreements, foreign market regulations, and the World Trade Organization (WTO) may be found in Government Relations International Trade Center.
Conformity Assessment
Information regarding NEMA international activities in conformity assessment include participation in the IECEE CB and IECEE Ex Schemes. More information on these activities can be found under conformity assessment.
International and Regional Standardization Committee (IRSC)
The International and Regional Standardization Committee (IRSC) is
responsible for representing, supervising and coordinating all work of
the Association in the development and implementation of
international/regional programs that address technical Standards,
product and manufacturing regulations and their respective conformity
assessment systems.
EMF (Electromagnetic Fields)
In the interest of serving the needs of its Members, NEMA has collated a spreadsheet containing information on the Standards and regulatory statutes concerning human exposure to EMF for a group of countries. This information was retrieved from the WHO website. The spreadsheet should provide pertinent information in a more user-friendly format. Updates will be posted periodically as new information becomes available.